Mon 27 Jan
❤💋💕COM SHOWER W ME!!💋SINsual Exotic HotPetite PERSIAN Brunette 🔥Shower+ Sinsual Massage INCALL ! - 27
~ * Simply the Best!! *~ ALL NEW STAFF- AMERICAN- LOCATED IN Paso Robles - 24
(San Luis Obispo, Not in SLO- In Paso Robles)
Korean Carol has entered the building... - 23
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Outcall)
Male Model: Adult Video Work for Sexy Surfers and Hot Beach-Boys - Guys 18-35 - 35
(San Francisco/Honolulu)
~ B ~ Blond, Thick,"ViNTaGe ViXeN" Visitin? After Mid Oct 2012- Paso-C.C. area - 43
(San Luis Obispo, Paso Area/C.C ~ aftr Mid. Oct 2012)
Grand Open ! Spring Spa ! ⎝ ⎛~~ Unforgettable Asian Relaxation for U!! New Managment! - 28
(San Luis Obispo, 525 Orchard Rd. Nipomo)
Best Hands Ever 💆 💆 Spring Break Specials' - 35
(Atascadero / Paso / Templeton(In&Out;), San Luis Obispo)
💥_______ _______N E W . . . . ________ h O t t i e_ __ _ A v a i l a b l e_ _ _NOW!_______ _______ - 21
(San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria pismo beach)
💋Very Known Upscale Elite Service Provider 💋 - 25
(Outcalls to 805 catch me b4 i leave, San Luis Obispo)
😍💋😘🔥 LOLA 858 304 8324 🔥😘💋😍 - 22
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Outs Only, Santa Maria)
xXx_____ Monica Love is Back _____xXx ____Limited Time Only___ xXx - 19
(san luis obispo & pismo beach)
♥✦█✦♥upscale polish princess♥✦█✦♥ real 36D's♥✦█✦♥ outcall♥✦█✦♥ - - 22
(San Luis Obispo, (SLO) pismo beach incall/outcall)
📹 video verified ✔️ ✨E❌❌❌oTic Latina BOMbsheLL 💋💃_CURVY 💞 💰incrediBle sPecials 🙀 NAUGHTY 🍭JuiCy💦 ALL - 22
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo (in) surrounding out !!!)
🍯 VietNaMeSe Mixed GoDDeSS 👘💮🌺✨ ReaL Hot FiReCraCkeR 🔥🎇 CaN you HanDle Me?💋 - 23
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach (In & Out))
♥♡♥ █ T✪✪ █ ╠╣OT ▒ T✪ █ ╠╣ANDL€ ▒ ♥♡♥ ▒█ T✪✪ ▒ S€x¥ █ ♥♡♥ █ █ ▒ ♥♡♥ NEW PICS! - 24
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach)
Th€ gIRl oF YoUR DrEAMs!!! iM 100% ReAl, FuN, SeXxY, && Busty **specials**** - 26
(San Luis Obispo, In or out)
SEXY & SWEET COMPANION READY FOR YOU !! Come see me.. Offering Specials for the night ! - 23
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach)
💋Quality Over Quantiy💋Why Settle For Less💋Taylor Nicole💋A - 25
(In or out and will travel, San Luis Obispo)
*!* XxxRated 36DD *!* [[Black & Asian]] *!* Rbgfe Exotic *!* - 23
(San Luis Obispo/Pismo Beach In & Out)
___S__I__M __P__L__Y__ (¯`'.¸__ ★ __¸.'´¯) G__O__R__ G__E__O__U__S - 20
(San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo (In&Out;))
° ❀° THIS °❀ °— GIRL — °❀WANTS °❀°TO °❀° — °❀° SEE °❀° — ° ❀°YOU °❀°TODAY °❀° - 19
(San Luis Obispo, SLO ( San Luis Obispo ))
Seductive Ebony Playmate Awaits.... Paso Robles/Atascadero - 26
(San Luis Obispo, Atascadero / Paso Robles)
-:¦:- -:¦:- SeXy & sEdUcTiVe bLoNdE -:¦:- -:¦:- - 24
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo~SanLuisObispo~ArroyoGrande- in/out)
Natural DDDs 💯🍭 🍭80HH. Up Late⭐ 💕⭐Independent Hottie ⭐💕⭐💋 Blonde💋 •💗•Fun Playmate - 22
(San Luis Obispo)
💋💓 💖💞 SinTReSE 👀💋👀💟 SUPA FreAK💖 💕mouthSkillz😜 😛😍🌈🍒 🍬 Book NoW💎 👑💣 💄👜 - 30
(San Luis Obispo, ♌💎💯PASO ROB💋🌈🐘IN🌈OUT🐘)
♥️🔱✨*PRETTY FACE = = EXOTIC == SEXY lil bOOTY == yummy = (60**120**200 specials)♥️🔱✨ - 20
(San Luis Obispo)
Private sophisticatedot natural blonde. Freakier then the next !! Out calls only 😉 - 25
(San Luis Obispo, Sloooo)
NeW In ToWn -:¦:- UpScale LaDy -:¦:- So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE - 19
(San Luis Obispo Morro Bay Pismo IN/OUT)
( Sexy Busty ) ( Mature Playmate ) (( Famous KELLYDD )) Dec 27th til Jan 5th - 50
(Santa Maria/Santa Barbara)
::*NeW nEw PIX taken 1/9/14....& new # 8052341778 call NOW!!!! - 26
(San Luis Obispo, In/out 805~PASO)
Immmmmm BACKKkKk 💋NeW in Town💦💋 🚘FiRST ✈ CLASS Ebony� ::: 💯% ReaL ! ░░ 5 🌟 STAR SerVice ! - 23
(Incall TO YOUR Place, San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria)
High Class Service 👑 Back By Special Request 💋💕 Ready to Please Your Every Need 9164753892Shay😘 - 22
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Rosa Street San Luis Obispo)
▄▀▄▀▄❤️ Gorgeous Petite Latina ▄▀▄▀▄❤️ Habla Espanol ▄▀▄▀▄❤️ Specials Available ~ ▄▀▄▀▄❤️ New Here ❤ - 22
(San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande : Pismo beach)
BuStY bLoNdE gReEN eYEs! ViSiTiNg FoR wEEkEnD (last day! last day!) - 21
(San Luis Obispo, slo in/out)
**!%!**!%!** I'm Going To Rock Your World ;-) ** Beautiful Marissa Visiting Now **!%!**!%!** - 23
~~Exquisite && SWeET PETItE**BAbE ! LOTS Of FUN ! COME SeE!!~~ - 21
(San Luis Obispo, pismo beach in&out;)
❤ [GIRL NEXT DOOR】 ✓【Killer body】 ✓ 【New】 ✓ 【100% REAL PICS】 ✓ 【Available NOW】❤ - 22
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo San Luisobispo & surrounding areas)
º•○●♡♡♡◆GISELLE ♥♥VICTORIA♥♥ Sensual ♥♥Southern ♥♥Belle ◆♡♡♡●○•º - 24
(Santa Barbara, santa Barbara (beach))
👑 805's ATF is here & ready to play! *Outcalls in the 805* 💦💋 - 22
(San Luis Obispo, Outcalls in the 805)
34 DD's !!———💄 ( ( NEW PICS !! ) ) 1OO% BARBiE 💄VIXEN——— {BRuNeTTe DoLL} 💄👠——💋— - 22
(San Luis Obispo, Slo in/out New petite & BUstY(.)(.)💕)
Mon 13 Jan
🔷💋ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ Warm InSide👅 💋👣&' 👉A∂∂ictive ᑎEᗯ &✧ Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ 📲💋♣️🍾 - 21
(70qk morning spec. SLO, San Luis Obispo)
~/~/~/ GORGEOUS green eyed white gal w/ a big booty! in s.l.o 2days! - 21
(San Luis Obispo, slo in/out)
Ӝ H O R ____ tHaN ___ OuR ____ Â V R Â G ____ BLONDE Ӝ - 21
(San Luis Obispo Incall & Outcall)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria)
***HOT*** 80 / 100 / 200...▐ ❤▐▐ Beautiful Exotic LATIN BOMBSHELL▐▐ ❤▐ 80 / 100 / 200... ***HOT*** - 21
(San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande / Pismo)
Gorgeous Mixed Temptress! It's my first time in Pismo! Available for *INCALL* - 23
(San Luis Obispo, *PISMO BEACH*)
Sun 12 Jan
***(A 119/hhr Special between 8am - 4pm)***(A deal not to miss with this Absolutely Tiny Asian) - 23
(San Luis Obispo, Upscale San Luis Obispo Incall & Outcall)
👑D O M I N I C A N A👑 ((🍦100% REAL🍦▬))▬▬ ❤ E X O T I C ❤ B R U N E T T E ❤️ (( - 21
(San Luis Obispo, (*PISMO Beach*) IN-OUT CALLS >》>)
First week starts off now. Only available in. Atascadero, Paso Robles and extra for SLO - 34
(Atascadero and Paso Robles SLO, San Luis Obispo)
💋Quality Over Quantiy💋Why Settle For Less💋Taylor Nicole💋A - 25
(In or out and will travel, San Luis Obispo)
The weekend here and already starting it off great. - 34
(Atascadero and Paso Robles SLO, San Luis Obispo)
☆☆StRiP&BlO; SpEcIaLs☆☆DaNciNg fOr them dOllaR's☆☆(661)394-0281 - 26
(Arroyo Grande/PiSmo, San Luis Obispo)
~/~/~/ GORGEOUS green eyed white gal w/ a big booty! in s.l.o 2days! - 21
(San Luis Obispo, slo in/out)
Best By Mouth Only Special on Backpage Only 80 Hht 120, Never Rushed, Private Sexy 8056199262 - 35
(Five Cities, San Luis Obispo)
LATINA / ITALIANA*** EXOTIC*** (_B O M B S H E L L_) 100% NATURAL IN/OUT 323 403 3239 - 21
(San Luis Obispo / Pismo IN/OUT)
Sat 11 Jan
◽♦▪♦▫♦▫♦ *•.¸¸¸.•*▫GΩrG€Ωu§ r€dH€aD Pr€tt¡€§T 😻▫TrU€ R€dh€aD *·.¸¸¸.•*•▫♦▫♦▫♦▪♦◽ - 35
(San Luis Obispo, In calls Oceano ★ Out calls 805)
ღ Exotic & Sweet ღ Thick Native Amer. Beauty ღ Well Reviewed on RB ღ - 22
(Pismo Beach Incall & Outcall)
♥★Classy&Curvy; redhead beauty♥★ 100% Real Pics! ▇♥▇▇♥▇▇♥▇ Exclusive busty bombshell ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ - 23
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach.. Incalls/Outcalls available)
♥✦█✦♥upscale polish princess♥✦█✦♥ real 36D's♥✦█✦♥ outcall♥✦█✦♥ - - 22
(San Luis Obispo, (SLO) pismo beach incall/outcall)